Saturday, May 22, 2010

Second post, Second birthday

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the last time I threw up.

I have struggled with an eating disorder since the summer of 2004. I was mostly bulimic, binging and purging 5+ times a day for the past 5ish years.

this has been one of the best and one of the hardest years of my life.

I started treatment in Feb of '09 and "graduated" in July. It was extremely difficult, but also extremely rewarding. I would never want to go back, and that knowledge is more valuable than anything. Well, except for my health of course haha.

So much has changed in the past year and some odd months. I'm healthy, happy (for the most part), mentally stable (again, for the most part haha), and my diabetes is better controlled than it has been in a long time. My a1c was 7.7 when it was checked 2 days ago. I'm still not the best at checking my blood sugars though, so I have a CGMS for a week. Insurance covers the 7 days, but that's it, and honestly I wouldnt want to wear it any longer. It's itchy and bothersome. But if it will help me gain better control in the near future, itll be worth it.

I am so grateful for many of the people in my life. Renee, Suzanne, My amazing boyfriend, my sister, my grandmothers, my parents. Every single one of them have supported me so much these past few months and they are responsible for a good bit of my recovery. I know for sure I couldnt have done it without them.

I feel so grateful today.

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